Saturday, 14 February 2015

The Oddities of a Miniaturists Evening

And so tonight, I found that the dragon is still tacky so I can't paint his second coat damnit. Which is good as I've run out of paint brushes! I use those childrens brush sets for 99p, but as my agency budget still isn't through I can't get out for my supported outings that have been temporarily dropped. Hence running out of various craft/miniature supplies in the meanwhile.
So instead I spent 2 hours cutting out tiny brass coins, the tiniest of which at 1.5 mm across nearly drove me crackers trying to get the flash? flashing? off. The biggest was 3.5mm & there was some 40 of these microscopic coins. Done. Finished. Thank Gods lol
The Goblin & Dragon Treasure House is moving on :-)

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