Thursday, 15 January 2015

Living Room Bureau

Distracting myself before a difficult Social Services meeting tomorrow I decided to put together the Bureau in the living room of Beds, Knobs & Broomsticks.
The radio is an exact copy of a
PYE MM 1931 & is signed DW 1992 UK. The paintbox with a kingfisher on is in memory of Coz/Kevin & was also created by a miniaturist. The apple pot was carved by Brian Taylor of Grandads Miniatures. The Orkney chair with drawer is (unknown) artisan made & in the drawer traditionally was a bible... & a bottle of whisky :-D
Both cats are Falcon Miniatures & the bits in the cubby holes are made by me including the glasses & their case.


  1. Awesome!! xx Rhi

  2. Thank you for posting this it is so nice to see my miniatures on the internet.
    Best regards Brian Taylor, ex Grandads miniatures ( still get out in the workshop now and again
    and make some wood shavings.
