Saturday, 2 August 2014

Posting ...

I've given up on the website hope for the miniatures, I'm never getting there, too many schemes underway. In the meanwhile & triggered by photographing a 12th scale zombie grandma that I'm working on, upside down with her bloomers in the air & trying to give her wrinkled stockings made me realise that this insane world should be shared. So I will be. Only I forgot my camera today- oh well.

I haven't had a blog in years & still don't have my own internet access so posts will be sporadic. And illness slows up progress but my hopes are to post about the 5 story witchy dolls house called Beds, Knobs & Broomsticks, the Zombie Graveyard & Grime Reaper (yup spelt right!) , Clock Man & Time Thief, The Bird House (48th scale) , Dark Dreams (planned tudor kitchen with dungeon downstairs & vampire in the bedroom!) &  Winter Wonderland, The  Mouse Hole (planned in my head still) & various other projects- some rather adult in design as anyone who's seen the kinky bedroom in the Beds, Knobs & Broomsticks house will know.

That's all for now, I'm just getting used to this blog & trying to be quick as the screens still affect me badly. Fingers crossed for next time.

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