Monday, 17 August 2015

Alien Spaceship Crashes!

Not only is this 2007 American Halloween display fantastic but I reckon it'd make a fabulous miniature too :-D
It is of a crashed ufo complete with alien body. The grass is piled up where the ufo came to a sliding halt & a fog machine leaks smoke from the flying saucer's cracked dome every 20 seconds.

Alien Spaceship Crashes!

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Deluxe Materials Glue Guide

For my own records really but anyone who does crafting, airfix, miniatures, model railway etc. Brilliant guide on the best glues to use for your particular needs on particular materials, surfaces, plastics etc

Deluxe Materials Glue Guide

Miniature Ivy from Birch Seeds

A friend passed on this brilliant guide to making miniature ivy from birch seeds :-)

Construction Workers Surreal Miniatures

This is surreal and unusual because it's a guy. A construction worker recreates his day job in miniature! Definitely worth a visit :-)